Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 6 (4), P. 496-498 (2003) Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2003. V. 6, N 4. P. 496-498. Optical properties of ZnO aggregates in KBr matrix Departement de Physique, Groupe de Physique du solide (GPS), Laboratoire de Physique Theorique (LPT), Universite de Bejaia. Abstract. Zinc oxide nanocrystals were prepared, using Czochralski method of growth, in
KBr matrix during pulling. Good evidences can prove that the quantum confinement effect is
the special quality for this nanosystem. As an indication of quantum confinement effect,
excellent emissions from band edge have been observed in optical absorption spectra and on
selective PL ones. CL spectrum exhibits several levels in band gap allotted to different types of
impurities in matrix and within ZnO aggregates. Keywords: quantum confinement effect, zinc oxide, nanocrystals, exciton. Download full text in PDF
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