Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 7 (4), P. 430-435 (2004)

PACS: 71.25.Rk, 81.60Cp

Two-dimensional photonic crystals as perspective materials of modern nanoelectronics

L.A. Karachevtseva

V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: (8-044) 525-98-15. Fax: (8-044) 525-83-42

Abstract. Photonic crystals are a dynamic direction of modern solid state physics. Today the intensive research (more than 80 %) is concentrated on two-dimensional photonic crystals which have functionality of three-dimensional photonic crystals and rather simple manufacturing techniques and is directed towards the development of active and passive elements of the future integrated nanophotonic circuits. Twodimensional photonic macroporous silicon structures are perspective for development of photonic waveguides, thermal receivers due to occurrence of the powerful absorption bands in the infrared spectrum range. Formation macroporous silicon structures with
nanocoatings expands its functionalities as photodetectors and light emitters.

Keywords: two-dimensional photonic crystals, nanoelectronics, macroporous silicon.

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