Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 7 (4), P. 441-445 (2004)

PACS: 72.40.+w

Spectra of the photo-electric phenomena physically differentiated on the light absorption factor
L.I. Berezhinsky, E.F. Venger, I.E. Matyash, B.K. Serdega

V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductors Physics, NAS of Ukraine 41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine Phone: 525-57-78 E-mail:

Abstract. The pleochroism phenomena in photoconductivity of Ge samples and gate photoelectomotive force (photo-emf) of Si samples were experimentally investigated by a polarization modulation method. Anisotropy of dielectric properties was created by uniaxial compression. The spectral characteristics of the polarization difference describing above effects were measured. We found that: à) the pleochroism spectrum of
photoconductivity is a derivative with respect to the absorption factor of a photocurrent function; b) the pleochroism spectrum of the gate photo-emf contains dichroic components, determined by the sample thickness, diffusion length of majority carriers, and layer thickness of a spatial charge.

Keywords: polarization-modulation spectroscopy, semiconductor, photoconductivity, gate photoelectromotive force.

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