Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 4. P. 105-114.

New technological possibilities to prepare InP epitaxial layers, as well as ohmic and barrier contacts to them, and the properties of microwave diodes made on their basis
I.N. Arsentyev1, A.V. Bobyl1, I.S. Tarasov1, M.V. Shishkov1, N.S. Boltovets2, V.N. Ivanov2, A.E. Belyaev3, A.B. Kamalov3, R.V. Konakova3, Ya.Ya. Kudryk3, O.S. Lytvyn3, P.M. Lytvyn3, E.P. Markovskiy3, V.V. Milenin3

1A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of RAN, 26, Politekhnicheskaya str., St.-Petersburg, 194021, Russia E-mail:; phone: +7-812-247-91-34
2State Enterprise Scientific & Research Institute “Orion”, 8a, Eugene Pottier str.,03057 Kyiv, Ukraine E-mail:; phone: +380-44-456-05-48
3V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 45, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine E-mail:; phone: +380-44-525-61-82

Abstract. A novel technological approach to fabrication of n-InP autoepitaxial films LPE-grown on porous n+ -InP substrates, as well as ohmic and barrier contacts to them using (quasi)amorphous TiBx interstitial phases, is proposed. We demonstrate the advantages of TiBx−n-n+ -n++-InP Schottky-barrier diodes made on porous substrates over those made on the standard rigid substrates, as well as the possibility to make Gunn diodes (intended for the 120−150 GHz frequency range) on the InP epitaxial structures grown on porous substrates.

Keywords: porous InP substrate, epitaxial structures, Schottky barrier, Gunn diode, ohmic and barrier contacts.

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