Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 4. P. 105-114.
New technological possibilities to prepare InP epitaxial layers,
as well as ohmic and barrier contacts to them, and the properties
of microwave diodes made on their basis
1A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of RAN, 26, Politekhnicheskaya str., St.-Petersburg, 194021, Russia
E-mail:; phone: +7-812-247-91-34
Abstract. A novel technological approach to fabrication of n-InP autoepitaxial films
LPE-grown on porous n+
-InP substrates, as well as ohmic and barrier contacts to them
using (quasi)amorphous TiBx interstitial phases, is proposed. We demonstrate the
advantages of TiBx−n-n+
-n++-InP Schottky-barrier diodes made on porous substrates
over those made on the standard rigid substrates, as well as the possibility to make Gunn
diodes (intended for the 120−150 GHz frequency range) on the InP epitaxial structures
grown on porous substrates.
Keywords: porous InP substrate, epitaxial structures, Schottky barrier, Gunn diode,
ohmic and barrier contacts.