Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 4. P. 115-117.

Polymorphism in chalcogenides of alkaline-earth metals
V.А. Drozdov, V.V. Pozhivatenko, М.А. Drozdov, V.V. Kovalchuk, L.M. Moiseev, V.O. Moiseeva

South-Ukrainian State University, 65045 Odessa, Ukraine 26, Staroportofrankovskaya str., phone: +048-7384785, e-mail:

Abstract. Calculations of structural phase transitions В1 - В2 under pressure in chalcogenides of alkaline-earth metals were carried out on the basis of approach of the local density functional theory, where as a fitting used was the constructive amendments of the potential by means of the electronic density received in a self-coordinated calculation using the approximation of the local density.

Keywords: alkaline-earth metal chalcogenides, local density functional theory.

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