Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2006. V. 9, N 4. P. 065-066.
The logical closure limit of superconductivity descriptions
1Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Batna, 05000, Algeria
Abstract. The quantum description of macroscopic behaviour seems requiring the
existence of limits imposed by the consideration hold on the logical closure of the theory,
according to this, the J.A. Wheeler black box [1] will act under a coherence length of
second order. The use of mathematical beings translating the phases transitions in nature
are displayed in one-way, the reversibility parameter associated to the black box is
severely limited according to the way we disturb the constants and the functions used to
describe a given phenomenon. The combinatory formulation of matter is always
accompanied by the length scales orientation phenomenon that must be seen as a
measurement process of second order. The non-reproducibility of experiments will be
dealing with the non-account of the amplitude of length scales interactions, this
amplitude manages the combinatory of macroscopic levels between an observer and
observed. Some introduced concepts as an entropic potential, the breaking of equivalence
are making the emergence of picture of superconductivity as reproducible phenomenon
according to the “intrinsic states reproducibility” with number estimated on universal
constants expressions limited by the difference between cooled and cooling.
Keywords: superconductivity, logical closure limit, equivalence breaking, entropic
potential, dodecapolar Riemann’s sphere, length scale interaction.