Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2009. V. 12, N 4. P. 324-327.
On methodology of measuring parameters with the increased
sensitivity to residual or irradiation induced inhomogeneities
in semiconductors
Institute for Nuclear Researches, NAS of Ukraine
47, prospect Nauky, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine; e-mail:
Abstract. Within the frame of theory of anisotropic scattering, it was studied the relation
of values for specific resistance changes under the axial elastic deformations for many-
valley semiconductors, n-Ge and n-Si. The aspect ratio between values of the saturated
specific resistance strain ) ( X for strain and analogous value for axial pressure
deformation pressure ) ( X was determined. It gives a possibility to obtain reliable
information concerning the value strain ) ( X even for the case when mobility of carriers
and, consequently, the value = (Х) are significantly decreased, for example, under
irradiation treatment of crystals.
Keywords: many-valley semiconductors, piezoresistance, mechanical stress, axial
pressure, strain, parameter of scattering anisotropy.