Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2009. V. 12, N 4. P. 399-402.

Analysis of properties of optical carriers after long-term storage
V.V. Petrov1, A.A. Kryuchyn1, I.V. Gorbov1, I.O. Kossko1/, S.O. Kostyukevych2

1Institute for information recording problems, NAS of Ukraine 2, Shpak str., 03113 Kyiv, Ukraine, Phone: (044)-456-8389, fax: (044)-241-7233, e-mail:
1V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine e-mail:

Abstract. Performed in this paper is the analysis of possibilities to create optical information carriers for long-term information storage. Adduced are the results of experimental investigations of properties inherent to optical carriers of the WORM type after 25-year storage. It has been shown that their micro-relief structure formed by using focused laser radiation on thin films of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors had not been practically changed after storing them for the above mentioned period in non-heated areas.

Keywords: optical carrier, long-term storage, photo-thermal recording, chalcogenide vitreous semiconductor.

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