Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2010. V. 13, N 4. P. 393-397.
Methods of cluster analysis in sensor engineering:
advantages and faults
V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS Ukraine
41 Prospect Nauky, Kyiv 03028, Ukraine
Tel.: (380-44) 525-52-46; e-mail:
Abstract. We consider the crisp and fuzzy partitioning techniques of cluster analysis
bearing in mind their application for classification of data obtained with chemical sensor
arrays. The advantage of the cluster analysis techniques is existence of a parameter S(i).
This parameter gives quantitative efficiency of classification and can be used as
optimization criterion for sensor system as a whole as well as the measurement
procedure. The crisp and fuzzy techniques give practically the same result when
analyzing the data that cluster uniquely. It is shown that big value of the parameter S(i) is
not sufficient for adequate data partitioning into cluster in more complicated cases, and
the results of clusterization for the above techniques may diverge. In this case, one
should apply both techniques concurrently, checking the correctness of partitioning into
clusters against the principal component analysis.
Keywords: multisensor systems, cluster methods, recognition, classification.