Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 4. P. 411-415.
Development and investigation of microwave radiation sources
and detector sections using SBDs within
the 220–400 GHz frequency range
1State Enterprise Research Institute “Orion”,
8a, Eugene Pottier str., 03057 Kyiv, Ukraine
A procedure of mm- and submm-wave devices simulation based on the up-to-
date simulation techniques for bulk microwave structures is proposed. We demonstrate a
possibility of making microwave radiation sources based on IMPATT diodes and
frequency multipliers with frequency output of 280 GHz as well as detector sections with
Schottky barrier diodes for the 220–325 GHz and 325–400 GHz frequency ranges.
Keywords: microwave radiation source, frequency multiplier, detector, Schottky barrier
diode, waveguide to microstrip line transition, simulation.