Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 4. P. 465-469.

Some aspects of thermal resistance measurement technique for IMPATT and light-emitting diodes
A.E. Belyaev1, N.S. Boltovets2, R.V. Konakova1, Ya.Ya. Kudryk1, V.M. Sorokin1, V.N. Sheremet1, V.V. Shynkarenko1

1V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS Ukraine 41 Prosp. Nauky, Kyiv 03028, Ukraine; Tel.: (380-44) 525-61-82; e-mail:
2State Enterprise Research Institute “Orion”, 8a Eugene Pottier St., Kyiv 03057, Ukraine

Abstract. Some aspects of measuring the thermal resistance to a constant heat flow at a p-n junction–package region in IMPATT and light-emitting diodes are considered. We propose a method of studying the thermal resistance of high-power light-emitting diodes. This method makes it possible to increase accuracy of measuring the thermal resistance by determining the temperature at a linear section of the voltage−temperature curve. A possibility to measure the thermal resistance of IMPATT diodes by using the pulse I-V curves is shown. This enables one to simplify calculations and increase accuracy of measuring the thermal resistance.

Keywords: p-n junction–package thermal resistance, IMPATT diode, LED.

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