Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2013. V. 16, N 4. P. 382-386.

Effect of 1.9-MeV electron irradiation on characteristics of reactively-pressed TiB2–TiС ceramic composites
I.N. Totsky1, A.Yu. Popov2, V.A. Makara2

1Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Department of Physics, 2/1, Academician Glushkov Ave., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
2Training-and-Research Center “Physico-Chemical Materials Science” of the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 64, Volodymys'ka str., 01033 Kyiv, Ukraine; e-mail:

Abstract. Considered in this paper is the effect of electron irradiation on the phase-structural state and micromechanical characteristics of reactively- and nonreactively-pressed TiB2–TiС composite ceramic materials. It is shown that reactively-pressed specimens after irradiation demonstrate a growing tendency to phase formation, which considerably affects proceeding of relaxation processes in them. This special feature of reactively-pressed ceramics can improve radiation resistance of construction materials.

Keywords: ceramics, electron irradiation, mechanical properties, reactive hot pressing.

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