Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2013. V. 16, N 2. P. 170-176.


Temperature changes of the exciton transition energy in lead di-iodide nanofilms
O.V. Pugantseva1, V.M. Kramar1, I.V. Fesiv1, O.O. Kudryavtsev2

1Yu. Fed’kovych Chernivtsi National University, 2, vul. Kotsiubynskogo, 58012 Chernivtsi, Ukraine; e-mail:
2V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraune, 41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine; e-mail:

Abstract. Adduced in this work are the results of theoretical investigations devoted to the influence of spatial confinement effects, self-polarization of heterojunction planes and exciton-phonon interaction on values of the exciton transition energy in lead di-iodide nanofilms placed into dielectric ambience (glass or polymer). The heterojunction is considered to be unloaded, nanosystem is modeled with an infinite deep quantum well and characterized by an essential difference between dielectric permeabilities in both sides of the heterojunction. Calculated in the work are dependences of the exciton energy on the nanofilm thickness and temperature. The results of calculations are in accordance with the known data of experimental measurements.

Keywords: nano-heterostructure, quantum well, nanofilm, exciton, transition energy, layered semiconductor, lead di-iodide.

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