Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 5 (3), P. 231-234 (2002)

Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2002. V. 5, N 3. P. 231-234.

PACS: 61.72.C; 72.20.My

Influence of the annealing of silicon crystals at 1200 °C on the Hall effect and magnetoresistance

P.I. Baranskyy, G.P. Gaydar*, P.G. Litovchenko*
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 45 prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
* Scientific Center "Institute for Nuclear Research", NAS of Ukraine, 47 prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine

Abstract. The influence of the annealing (at Òanneal. = 1200 °C) and different rates of cooling (from Òanneal. to room temperature) on magnetoresistance and Hall effect of the n-Si:P monocrystals with different specific resistance, which were grown by means of various technologies, have been investigated. It means that investigated crystals had different concentrations of not only doping impurity (phosphorus) but also background impurity (oxygen atoms) in their bulk, too. It was shown that the impurity complexes (clusters) of (SiO)x, (SiO2)õ or SixOy types that arise in n-Si monocrystals with increased oxygen concentrations at annealing (Òanneal. = 1200 °C) results in essential increase of magnetoresistance (approximately 2...2.5 times as much). The influence of mentioned above clusters on the magnetoresistance practically excludes its saturation in classically strong magnetic fields and forms the dependence of on magnetic field H in this region in the following form .

Keywords: silicon, crystal, oxygen, magnetoresistance, Hall effect, mobility, density.
Paper received 21.12.01; revised manuscript received 25.07.02; accepted for publication 10.12.02.

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