Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 3. P. 092-099.

Photodielectrical properties of the modified С60 films. Maxwell – Vagner-type polarization between near-electrode and bulk layers
A.V. Koval’chuk1, A.F. Shevchuk2, D.A. Naiko2, T.N. Koval’chuk3

1Institute for Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 46, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2Vinnitsa State Agricultural University, 3, Sonyachna str., 21008 Vinnitsa, Ukraine, e-mail:
3Institute for Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 45, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine

Abstract. Within the frequency interval of 10–1 to 106 Hz investigated were the frequency dependences of the capacitance C and resistance R for modified С60 films in darkness and on exposure to the focused white light. A clamping ITO electrode with an intermediate layer of isotropic liquid (glycerin or distilled water) was taken instead of the traditionally used deposited top metal electrode. Found are the conditions when C and R changes are caused by near-electrode (f < 103 Hz) and bulk (f > 104 Hz) processes. It was shown that the sharp reduction of C and R with growing the frequency corresponds to the transition from one condition to the other, and such process can be described with account of the “classical” Maxwell-Wagner mechanism of interlayer polarization. The relaxation time of such process was found to be equal approximately 10 ns. This time was shown to depend on the manufacturing technology of С60 films. Having analyzed the obtained frequency dependences of C and R, an equivalent circuit of the sample was suggested. We estimated the thicknesses of the liquid layer (≈ 30 µm) and near-electrode layer of С60 films (tens of nanometers). Comparing the frequency dependences of C and R on exposure to light of the bottom and top electrodes, it was assumed that the С60 films under laser UV-irradiation is non-uniform in thickness. tensive amount of development and design variations by workers hroughout the world.

Keywords: fullerene film, photodielectric properties.

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