Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2006. V. 9, N 3. P. 004-011.

Microacoustic evaluation of elastic parameters of highly porous silicon layers
A. Doghmane1, Z. Hadjoub1, M. Doghmane1,2, F. Hadjoub1,3

1Laboratoire des Semiconducteurs, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université Badji-Mokhtar, BP 12, Annaba, DZ-23000, Algeria
2Faculté des Sciences et de l’Ingénierie, Université du 8 Mai 1945, Guelma, DZ-24 000, Algeria
3Faculté de Médecine, BP 205, Annaba DZ-23 000, Algeria E-mail :

Abstract. Non-destructive scanning acoustic microscopy investigations of elastic properties of porous silicon films, limited to low and medium porosities, are extended in this work to higher porosities (80 %) corresponding to the appearance of room temperature electroluminescence phenomena. Acoustic materials signatures were measured at various operating frequencies, f, and film thickness, d. It was shown that as these parameters increase the oscillatory V(z) behaviour disappears progressively to become completely attenuated, for f = 565 MHz and d = 6 µm, due to wave absorption, with αx = 0.2 µm−1 . Moreover, from high frequency microechography, it was possible to determine longitudinal velocity, VL = 1680 m/s. To evaluate Young’s modulus, E, and shear modulus, G, we used two different approaches to derive simple expressions for these constants in terms of just VL. The validity of such expressions was successfully put into evidence then applied to the highly porous silicon layers for which it was found that E = 1.29 GPa and G = 0.63 GPa.

Keywords: porous Si, elastic constants, electroluminescence, acoustic microscopy, surface acoustic wave.

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