Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2007. V. 10, N 3. P. 080-083.
Periodic subsurface structures in GaAs formed
by spatially modulated nanosecond pulse laser irradiation
1Slovyansk State Pedagogical University, 19, General Batyuk str., 84116 Slovyansk, Ukraine
Phone: +380 (06266) 5-06-84; fax: +380 (06262) 9-19-50; e-mail:
Abstract. We used the method of nets to calculate the thermoelastic stresses on the GaAs
surface caused by a non-destructive nanosecond pulse laser irradiation (λ = 0.532 µm)
with diffraction spatial intensity modulation from a shield with rectangular cut. The
structure of irradiated subsurface layers of samples was studied by the AFM method. A
periodic islet structure formed in the process of diffusive redistribution of defects was
revealed by the level-by-level chemical etching.
Keywords: laser, diffraction, intensity modulation, GaAs, thermoelastic stress,
subsurface layer, point defect, islet structure.