Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 3. P. 339-343.

Laser oscillation in Cr2+ :ZnS waveguide thin-film structures under electrical pumping with impact excitation mechanism
N.A. Vlasenko*, P.F. Oleksenko, M.O. Mukhlyo, P.M. Lytvyn, L.I. Veligura, and Z.L. Denisova

V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine 41, prospect Nauky; 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author:

Abstract. The laser oscillation at room temperature in Cr 2+ :ZnS waveguide thin-film structures under electrical pumping with the impact excitation mechanism was first discovered after improvement of some waveguide optical properties. However, lasing turned out to be unstable and ceases soon, which is accompanied by strong weakening the emission recorded from the waveguide edge whereas the emission from the structure face remains intensive. It is shown that the above changes stem from increasing optical losses caused by appearance of light scattering in the structure by inhomogeneities formed during lasing as a consequence the most probably of recrystallization processes in the Cr:ZnS film. Some ways are proposed to improve the lasing stability.

Keywords: laser optics, infrared laser, electrical pumping, Cr2+ :ZnS, thin films, planar waveguide .

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