Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2016. V. 19, N 3. P. 315-317.

Local vibrational density of states in disordered graphene
D.L. Kardashev1, K.D. Kardashev2

1National University “Odessa Maritime Academy” 8, Didrikhson str., 65029 Odessa, Ukraine; e-mail:
2A.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication 1, Kuznechnaya str., 65029 Odessa, Ukraine; e-mail:

Abstract. Local vibrational density of states for disordered graphene has been calculated via Green’s functions method. Disordered material has been modeled with Bethe lattice. Density of states does not include particularities specific for ideal graphene.

Keywords: Bethe lattice, Green function, local vibrational density of states.

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