Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 4 (4), P. 383-388 (2001)

Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2001. V. 4, N 4. P. 383-388.

 PACS: 42.15.Dp; 42.25.Fx

New method of apertured electromagnetic field modeling

S. Anokhov 1, A. Khizhnyak 2, R. Lymarenko 1

1 International Center “Institute of Applied Optics”, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 
10-G Kudryavska street, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, phone: 380(44)2122158, fax 380(44)2124812, e-mail:
2 Tellabs Operations, Inc., 15 Skyline Dr., Hawthorne, NY, 10532, USA

Abstract. Using a new wave treatment of rigorous Sommerfield’s solution for a problem of plane wave diffraction on a perfectly conductive half-plane, it was obtained the solution for a problem of plane wave diffraction on a slit and rectangular aperture. The result of aperture diffraction was represented as a sum of elementary rectangular unit cell waves. New integral approach to modeling of plane wave diffraction on an arbitrary two-dimensional aperture is discussed. Proposed method is very useful for providing numerical modeling of diffraction phenomena.

Keywords: diffraction, two-dimensional aperture, computer modeling.

Paper received 11.09.01; revised manuscript received 24.10.01; accepted for publication 12.12.01.


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