Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 5 (4), P. 449-452 (2002)

Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2002. V. 5, N 4. P. 449-452.

PACS: 85.30

A universal automated complex for control and diagnostics of semiconductor devices and structures
R.V. Konakova, O.E. Rengevych, A.M. Kurakin, Ya.Ya. Kudryk

Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS Ukraine, 45 prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: 38(044) 265 6182; fax: 38(044) 265 8342; e-mail:

Abstract. We present a universal automated complex for control and diagnostics. It is intended to measure static, pulse and capacitance-voltage characteristics of two- and three-terminal networks, both at room temperature and in 77-1000 K temperature range. A distinguishing feature of complex construction is the possibility for simulation of interrelation between parameters of the objects studied. The complex has been tested when studying the effect of g- and microwave radiations on parameters of gallium arsenide SB-FETs, GaN-based HEMTs and silicon carbide SBDs.

Keywords: diagnostics of semiconductor devices, automation of measurements.
Paper received 31.07.02; accepted for publication 17.12.02.

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