Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2006. V. 9, N 4. P. 067-070.

A silicon carbide thermistor
N.S. Boltovets1, V.V. Kholevchuk2, R.V. Konakova2, Ya.Ya. Kudryk2, P.M. Lytvyn2,V.V. Milenin2, V.F. Mitin2, E.V. Mitin2

1State Enterprise Research Institute “Orion”, 8a, Eugene Pottier str., 03057 Kyiv, Ukraine
2V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine Phone:(380-44) 525-61-82; fax: (380-44) 525-83-42

Abstract. We consider a silicon carbide thermistor with multilayer Au–TiBx–Ni2Si ohmic contacts intended for operation in the 77 to 450 K temperature range.

Keywords: silicon carbide, thermistor, ohmic contact, buffer layer.

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