Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2009. V. 12, N 4. P. 339-342.

A new method of extraction of a p-n diode series resistance from I-V characteristics and its application to analysis of low-temperature conduction of the diode base
V.L. Borblik*, Yu.M. Shwarts, M.M. Shwarts

V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine Phone: +38(044)525-6292, fax: +38(044)525-7463

Abstract. A new analytical method of extraction of a diode series resistance from current-voltage characteristics is proposed which takes into account dependence of the series resistance on voltage (or current). The method supposes a presence of linear section in the diode current-voltage characteristic plotted in semi-logarithmic scale. This method is applied here to experimental data for silicon diode in which series resistance is caused by freezing-out free current carriers into impurities at cryogenic temperatures. Character of dependence of the base resistance on electric field in the base layer determined in such way confirms hopping nature of silicon conduction under these conditions.

Keywords: junction diode, series resistance, silicon, metal-insulator transition, low temperature, hopping conduction.

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