Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 7 (4), P. 368-371 (2004)

PACS: 68.35.-p, 68.35.Ct

Active layer – semi-insulating substrate interface effect on GaAs MESFET components
M. Belgat1, N. Merabtine2, M. Zaabat3, C. Kenzai4, Y. Saidi4

1 Medicine Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Ferhat Abbes University, Setif, Algeria Fax: (+213) 36 93 66 64 E-mail:
2 Electronics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mentouri University, Constantine, Algeria E-mail:
3 Physics Department, University of Oum El-Bouaghi, Algeria
4 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Mentouri University, Constantine, Algeria

Abstract. This paper describes the polarization effect of the substrate on the electric characteristics of the GaAs Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (GaAs MESFET). An analysis based on the existence of a double space charge at the interface active layer – semi-insulating substrate is applied to determine the active layer and interface parameters. The properties of the drain current and the output admittance characteristics as well as the physical phenomena inherent to this interface are assigned to the dynamic response of the double space charge region.

Keywords: GaAs MESFET, active layer, semi-insulating substrate.

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